Example Posts
Having trouble coming up with a caption for your Shop Nac First posts? Feel free to utilize these sample posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media sites! Be sure to use our hashtag, #ShopNacFirst, so that we can search for your posts and share them to our pages!
Put your $ where your ♥ is—buy local!
Eat. Drink. Shop. #LOCAL
Why shop local? The benefits are endless. But one of our favorite reasons is that our money spent in Nacogdoches comes back and benefits the community we live in. Want Nacogdoches to succeed? #ShopNacFirst!
"When you buy from a small business, you are not helping a CEO buy a third vacation home. You are helping a little girl get dance lessons, a little boy get his team jersey, a mom put food on the table, a dad pay mortgage or a student pay for college." —unknown
We know you have choices. Thank you for keeping it local!
Nacogdoches is as unique as it sounds. Keep our community vibrant by supporting local businesses!
#SmallBizSat is right in between Black Friday and Cyber Monday! No matter which day you do your holiday shopping, make sure you #ShopLocal!
When you support local businesses, you are creating jobs. You are helping a family pay for groceries. You are helping your local fire department. You know where your food comes from. You know the woman behind the counter—and she knows you!
When you choose to shop local, you are making an impact on your community. Put your money where your heart is this week!
Get vocal about local!
In Nacogdoches, our small business owners are your neighbors. By choosing to shop local, you are investing in your community by supporting family owned businesses, creating jobs, and supporting your local police and firemen.
Shop small businesses and support big dreams!
It’s selfie time! When you shop with us on Small Business Saturday, snap a selfie. Use hashtag #ShopNacFirst and share it with us! #SmallBizSat
You can't buy happiness, but you can buy LOCAL, and that's kind of the same thing!
If you spend $100 at a small business in Nacogdoches, $68 stays in our local economy. Support your friends and neighbors! #ShopNacFirst
Have you ever worked for a small business? Let us know in the comments! #ShopNacFirst
Where is your favorite place to #ShopNacFirst? This week, we encourage you to shop locally!
I #ShopNacFirst because I want to see new businesses thrive in Nacogdoches! Why do you shop local?
We love Nacogdoches because of the unique small businesses that keep our community vibrant! This week, choose to #ShopNacFirst!
Invest in your community by choosing to #ShopNacFirst!
Will you shop local to help make a difference in our community? “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller #ShopNacFirst